Belarus History |
Belarus info - Belarus Facts |
Remarkable Dates in Belarusian History862 – Polotsk first mentioned in the chronicle as a centre of Krivichi Slavonic tribe; Second half of the 10th century – establishment of the Polotsk Principality; End of the 10th century – establishment of the Turov Principality; 1230 – establishment of the Great Lithuanian Principality; 1569 – the Kingdom of Poland and the Great Lithuanian Principality united into the federal state Rzecz Pospolita; 1772, 1793, 1795 – Rzecz Pospolita and Belarus incorporated into the Russian Empire; 1863 January, 1864 – Uprising in Belarus, Poland and Lithuania; November 7, 1917 – October Revolution in Russia; March 25, 1918 – Belarusian People’s Republic was proclaimed; January 1, 1919 – Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the USSR was formed; March 18, 1921 – Riga Treaty was signed. In accordance with the Treaty Western Belarus became a part of Poland until 1939; June 22, 1941 – July 28, 1944 – Belarus was occupied by Nazi Germany during the Second World War; June 27, 1990 – Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus adopted; March 15, 1994 – Constitution of the Republic of Belarus adopted. |