Belarus Landscape Reserve Pribuzhskoye Polesye |
Tourism in Belarus - Belarus National Parks |
Pribuzhskoye Polesye Republican Landscape Reserve (area of 7,950 ha) is located in the territory of Brest Region, in the southern part of Brest Ditrict. Its length from north to south is around 30 km and its width is from several dozens metres to 9 km. In 2003 Pribuzhskoye Polesye International Biospheric Reserve was established on the basis of the reserve. The largest part of the lands of Pribuzhskoye Polesye is covered with forest. Almost all the forest formations of Belarus are represented by small fragments or massifs, except grey-alder forests. Endangered, exceptionally exotic for Belarus flood-plain and taiga forests can also be found. The flora includes over 700 species. The Christopher herb and shilling grass grow in Belarus only here. Pribuzhskoye Polesye is the only known growth location in the Belarusian Polesye for the lousewort. In the beginning of 1990s a new for Belarus woody plant, Austrian mistletoe, was noted. |