Places in Belarus to Visit
25 Famous Sculptures and Statues in Minsk, Belarus
Belarus Cities - MINSK
Minsk tourist attractions: Archangel Michael

1. Archangel Michael

A four-and-a-half-meter sculpture of Michael Archangel piercing a great snake was placed in front of the Red (because of red bricks) Cathedral (Catholic church of St. Simeon and St. Helen) in 1996. The building of the Church was finished in 1905 by Polish architect Tomash Poyazdersky, who made it in gothic and romantic style. The red bricks had been transported right from Poland. After the revolution of 1917, the State Polish theater occupied the church. Later, in Soviet times, it was used as the Cinema House. In 1990 during the Perestroika years, the building was given back to the Catholic church. In 1996 the bronze sculpture of the Angel created by Igor Golubev appeared. Michael Archangel is a traditional guarding angel of Belarus.

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Vitebsk Oblast - Land of Dreamers...
Belarus Cities - Vitebsk Oblast

Belarus VitebskVitebsk Oblast is situated in the north-east of the Republic of Belarus, it borders with Lithuania, Latvia and Russia, and occupies one fifth of the
country's territory. The centre of the Oblast is Vitebsk with population of 367 000.

Land of Vitebsk is a true lake kingdom;the biggest part of Belarusian Poozerye (ozero means lake in Russian, Poozerye - Land of Lakes) and 11 of 19 biggest Belarus lakes are situated here. These unique natural features give inexpressible charm to the area which is famous far beyond Belarus borders.

Belarus_LakeOne of the brightest pearls of the Vitebsk Oblast is Braslav Lakes complex - there are more than 50 reservoirs with total area of 130 sq km and extant in natural conditions, rare plants, and animals. This area has great tourist’s potential.

The oldest Belarus city - Polotsk - is also located in the Oblast. Kutensky monastery in Orsha, Troitsky Catholic church in Glubokoye are also well worth your attention.

Slavanskiy Bazaar in VitebskVitebsk is the second cultural capital of the country, site for “Slavyansky Bazaar” - International Song Festival - which is held annually at the end of July-beginning of August. In Vitebsk you can look over an old Town Hall and memorial Obelisk commemorating defeat of Napoleon troops.

Vitebsk is a hometown for many famous people. Admittedly the most famous is a genuine dreamer Marc Chagall. He called the city "my second Paris", Vitebsk views of the beginning of the 20th century can easily be traced in many of his works.

Mir Castle & Belarus Mir City Museum
Belarus Cities - Grodno Oblast
Belarus_Mir_CastleIn the year 1395 the settlement of Mir was invaded by crusaders who burnt it to ashes. Thereby it got to chronicles. From the year 1434 Mir became a private possession of big barons. Among them were the Ilyinich and the Radzivil families. As years went by, it turned into a township and later on to a center of the Mir County.
Late XVI - early XVII Mir earthen walls were built around the township turning it into a fortress. There were four gates (their foundations were excavated by archeologists) letting access to the Castle. The gates were named Zamkavaya, Vilenskaya, Minskaya, and Slonimskaya to indicate the direction of the main roads crossing the township.
25 Sights in Minsk City
Belarus Cities - Sight in Minsk

1. Minsk City Hall

The history of Minsk City Hall is directly connected with the Magdeburg right that was granted to the city in 1499 by the Lithuanian grand duke Alexander (1461-1506). Minsk got the right to create its own institution of self-government - a city council, for the sessions of which the building of the City Hall was constructed. The first wooden building was erected in the first half of the XVI c. but the place of it remains unknown as the archeologists didn't find any rests of it. The stone building of the City Hall was built in 1582 instead of a wooden one. It stood on the territory of the Upper market, in the middle of the Cathedral square (Freedom square). During military conflicts the City Hall was repeatedly destroyed, but each time inhabitants of Minsk restored their symbol of the city. When the Russians came to power the city self-government was abolished. In the building of the City Hall at various times there was the court, a police station, a guardroom, an archive instead of the city council. In 1830 there was a musical school here and in 1847 - theatre.

Brest Oblast - Southern Point of Belarus
Belarus Cities - Brest Oblast
Southern part of the Oblast is occupied by unique natural and ethno-cultural land named Polesye. The main water artery of the Oblast River Pripyat with many tributaries flows here.

BRESTIn order to protect the unique natural resources, 12 reserves, 29 protected natural monuments were established in the Oblast. The real pride of the Republic is the State National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the unique forest land in the northwest of the Oblast. Total square of the Park is 87,6 thousand hectares with more than 900 species of plants. More than 60 species of animals, including the famous symbol of Belarus – European bison – reside in the Park.
BelarusKamenetsIt was here in Viskuli Village, where the leaders of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine signed the famous “Belovezha Agreement” that finished existence of the USSR. Now this “death site” of the once mighty empire is very popular with tourists.

Kamenyuki Village (Kamenets District) hosts Belovezskaya Pushcha Museum. Don’t miss an opportunity to see one of the Belarus national symbols – famous Kamenets Tower, widely known as Belaya Vezha (White Tower). This tower was built in the 12th century and still impresses with its design and elegance.Belarus Sightseeing - Belaya Vezha in Brest

Territory of the Brest Oblast is rich in historical and cultural monuments. More than 120 old parks and estates, 2084 monuments of history and architecture are situated here. One of the most ancient is Berestye Archeology Complex with buildings of the 11-12th centuries. One of the most valuable history and architecture monuments is Catholic church in Ishkold Village (Baranovichi District) constructed in original Belarusian Gothic style, as well as Catholic church in Chernovchitsy Village (Brest District) in Renaissance style, monastery of Cartesian Order in Bereza town, St George church in Sinkevichi Village (Luninets District). Remnants of Sapegas’ Palace in Ruzhany (17-18th centuries) despite its dilapidated conditions create indelible impression – imposing columns of majestic facade, elegant galleries “embrace” the palace…

Brest is traditional “Western” gates of the country, the city with glorious centuries-old history and amazing present. The city was first mentioned in 1019. In 1390 it was the first Belarus city granted the privilege of self-government according to the Statute of Magdeburg. It was here in 1596, that the historical Brest Union, which conciliated and united Catholicism and Orthodoxy in Belarus, was concluded. In 1917 Bolshevik government with Lenin on its head signed “Brest Litovsk” Peace with Germany during the First World War. 

During the Second World War the city grew famous because of outstanding heroism of defenders of the Brest Fortress, which lately got the title “Hero Fortress”. Today “Brest Fortress Hero” is one of the most visited tourist attractions of the city. The braveness of Soviet soldiers, who first faced treacherous attack of Nazi Germany in the summer of 1941 and who kept defense – unbelievable in those conditions! – giving the country an opportunity to summon its strength – this braveness is truly legendary and deserves to be remembered forever. Look at red walls of the fortress, literally riddled with machine gun fire –  for more than 60 years they have served as a remind of heroes.

Modern Brest is a border city, vigorous and energetic. In 1996 free economic area was established here for the period of next 50 years. As a result, it has led to the considerable revival of business activity in the Oblast.
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