Tourist Map of Belarus - North-East - St.Petesburg-Vitebsk |
Belarus info - Belarus Maps |
Here you can see a north-eastern part of Belarus that neighbours with Russia. Some Russian cities and towns marked on the map include St Petersburg (at the very top), Pskov, and Smolensk (to the right of the Belarusian border).
On the territory of north-eastern Belarus you can see two most prominent spots. First of all, it is Vitebsk city, that is renowned for its architectural monuments, including churches, streets, museums, and houses of famous people who lived there. Vitebsk is the birthplace of Marc Chagall, who portrayed this city many times in his unique works. The museum devoted to Marc Chagall his life and creative works is surely worth a visit. Another place to be mentioned is Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve. This park was established in 1925 in order to prerserve some rare and extinct species of animals, birds, and plants. It is located about 120 kilometres from Minsk and belongs to UNESCO's Biosphere Reserves World Network. On the right side of this Belarus map part you can see four icons, representing interesting places of Belarus. From top to Bottom (in the brackets you can see the Cyrillic name of the place): 1. Polotsk (Полоцк) 2. Vitebsk (Витебск) 3. Slonim (Слоним) 4. Zhirovitsy Church and Monastery (Жировицкая обитель) |