Smychok Belarus Republican Landscape Reserve
Tourism in Belarus - Belarus National Parks
Belarus SmychokSmychok Republican Landscape Reserve (area of 2,635 ha) was established in the territory of Zhlobin and Rechitsa Districts, Gomel Region to preserve the unique living natural complex with populations of exotic and endangered species of plants and animals on the Red List of the Republic of Belarus.

New locations where exotic representatives of flora and fauna naturalised have been detected during registration of the animals and plants (over 30 species) on the Red List of the Republic of Belarus in the territory of the reserve on the Dnieper river. E.g., the Jesuit's nut and European white waterlily were found on pokrov Lake. The waterlily feels quite at home on Platichnoye Lake and the cut-off of the Berezina river. And the black stork has taken fancy to the Yamitskoye stow (the bird prefers old wet deciduous and mixed forests near marshes, river flood plains and other water reservoirs).

A route is developed for those wishing to discover the wonderful world of the reserve. The ecologic route includes various travel modes. Drifting with the river current or hiking, it is possible to admire the varied cover of bushes of the female dragon (grows on the marshy shores of water reservoirs and on marshes), bright green of the foxfeet (grows mostly in ancient broadleaf and fir-tree and sticky-alder woods), and golden-locks (found on the upper ridge of slopes in the river plains and lake kettles, on sand and sand-clay ground outcrop-pings, in mixed, pine and fir-tree woods, and broadleaf woods). On closer view you could see halcyon (protected species) holes in the banks and the bird itself if you are lucky.

Belarus Smychok photo

247225, 37 M. Rogov St., Verkhnyaya Olba, Zhlobin District, Gomel Region Phone +375 (2334) 27 539